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Recruitment Process

Employing company has to provide us detailed job description, qualification, experience and candidate specification and other information with the principal's special knowledge relating to the position to be filled, condition of employment, number of employees required for each classification and approximate date on which the employees are required in order to enable us to carry out service.

We will conduct the search, release the advertisement it required with the consent of the principal and pre-screening of candidates in connection with the selection and requirements of Indian nationals for the employing company. All advertisement will be undertaken by us only with the principal's prior written approval.
We will screen application and resumes received. The competence of each person being considered for employment shall be evaluated solely on the basis of the specific requirements of the particular job to be filled. Those candidates whose application and resume indicate that they possess the minimum qualification for the position to be filled will be interviewed by us. During the interview we will evaluate the candidates on the basis of job specification, collect personal data, like the complete history, qualification, experience, areas he worked, present drawing salary, expected salary, availability, etc. and short listed resumes will be forwarded to the employing company. Subsequently, interview with the short listed candidates would be arranged as per the schedule of the principles. After the final interview, the offer of employment shall in all cases be made by us to the candidates only after we have received employing their visas and complete other procedures for the mobilization as per the schedule of the employing company.

Our principle, which is our recruitment life-way: "you seek to provide right cap to the right head, we help to find right head to keep the right cap."


Our salient features are:

1. Special emphasis on client expectation.
2. Quick response.
3. Right Selection.
4. Proper documentation.
5. Mobilization of source manpower as per schedule.
6. Neat and gentle business deal.

We specialized in recruiting qualified personnel for:

Oil Refineries
Gas Industry
O & M
Infrastructures (Including Building) Industries
Petroleum Construction Industries
IT Professionals
Travel Agency Professionals
Security Guards etc.

Our Merits:

1. Very good and firm relation with the Consulates / Embassies.
2. Well computerized Data Bank of personnel in all positions.
3. Thorough scrutinizing, Interviewing by professionals.
4. Tie-up with Trade Test Centers / Workshop facilities all over India, helps for skill test and training of candidates.
5. Handling all formalities - Passport, Visa, Medical, Ticketing.
6. Live contacts and good access with the Central and State Governments, Emigration Offices, Airlines and other institutions.

Our Recruitment Division has different departments viz.,

a. Response
b. Evaluation / Screening
c. Medical
d. Visa Processing
e. Emigration
f. Ticketing

The Chief Executive Officer will co-ordinate the functions of all the above departments to expedite the Recruitment Process and Mobilization.

As we are professionals, we always act professionally. We take the guarantee of demobilizing the candidates who are not crossing your standard on our own cost during their probationary period. We also have tie-up with reputed Recruiting Agencies in all over India for recruitment of manpower and can be organized in a professional manner. Apart from attending the A to Z recruitment formalities, we also undertake the responsibilities of mobilization of workers source by the overseas companies for their visa processing, execution of contracts, co-ordination between the employing company and the candidates, completion of local formalities and scheduling their departures as per the requirement of the principal.

Recruitment Process Upload Your CV today ! Job Strategies & Tips

Employing company has to provide us detailed job description, qualification, experience and candidate specification and other information with the principal's special knowledge relating to the position to be filled, condition of employment, number of employees required for each classification and approximate date on which the employees are required in order to enable us to carry out service.

We will conduct the search, release the advertisement it required with the consent of the principal and pre-screening of candidates in connection with the selection and requirements of Indian nationals for the employing company.

All advertisement will be undertaken by us only with the principal's prior written approval. Read more


It is not enough to have solid answers only for the interviewer questions. You need to be prepared for theses questions. For a good interview practice, look at some of the following questions:

1. Tell me about yourself.
2. What do you want to do with your life?
3. Do you have any actual work experience?
4. How would you describe your ideal job?
5. Why did you choose this career?

6. When did you decide on this career?
7. What goals do you have in your career?
8. How do you plan to achieve these goals?
9. How do you evaluate success?
10. Describe a situation in which you were successful.
Read more

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